First steps

Sherlock is an information platform that makes all information along the value chain in companies transparent and accessible to everyone. The ability to integrate and merge data from a wide variety of source systems in Sherlock breaks down data silos and makes all company information visible at a glance. Intuitive user interfaces ensure that data can be easily linked and modeled centrally as needed, and thus output to the appropriate channels and target groups with precision. The output can vary greatly. From apps to websites to platforms for managing immense amounts of data. You can find an overview of the use cases here.

Sherlock is divided into the following areas:

  • Operating platform in SaaS model
  • Information Platform as a Service (IPaaS) with flexible information model, data integration und Identity & Access Management (IAM)
  • Backend and process tool for applications, portals, apps

Depending on the scope of the project and analysis, we calculate 1-2 working days for the installation and 2-3 working days for the workshop, in which the full range of functions for the optimal use of Sherlock is illustrated to you. The implementation is fast and straightforward while maintaining your existing system landscape:

  • Identification and connection of the relevant source systems
  • Definition and configuration of the information models and target applications
  • In-house workshop on the use of Sherlock

No, you don’t need any specific programming skills. Thanks to the intuitive user interface that simplifies the data modeling of the information models, anyone can make use of the platform.

Sherlock can be used for:

  • Digitalization: Ensuring an intelligent linking and processing, avoids complex interfaces and automate the delivery of your information, simplify data modeling, and assist in building data transformation and data enrichment.
  • Web presences: Map complex information models simply by drag and drop, and maintaining the latest information is always published online and easy management of access rights for the users of your website.
  • Data preparation: Make information available to the relevant group of users, ready for testing in just a few days, easy configure information models using drag & drop and easy setting of new apps and applications.
  • Service: Easier to plan and implement the coordination of on-site services, by availability of required documentation in a smart and Intelligent browsable way, and by providing specific information to all users in one platform.
  • Data managemen: Simple creation of reports based on all data, provide data with individual access rights and all data is visibly available in the SaaS platform user-friendly without licensing fees.

As an information platform, operating platform and process work, Sherlock offers numerous possible applications in almost all industries. An overview of the projects successfully implemented to date can be found here.

Yes, we are happy to provide you with a personal Sherlock demo version with which you can test the full functionality of the information platform. You can find more information here.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding Sherlock, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone +49 (0)7738/ 9294 – 0 or by mail In addition, you can also use our contact form.

Sherlock offers significantly more than middleware. The main difference is that Sherlock uses a central data or information model. This means that Sherlock does not simply pass the data through from source to use, but keeps the data in the cloud, intelligently networking and enriching it for various use cases. Sherlock thus sorts itself into the realm of data virtualization.

Use & Application

Metadata (from e.g. SQL database), binary content (all mime types e.g. .mov, .jpg, xlsx, except of .exe or similar).

Since Sherlock uses graph technology, links between documents provide information about different languages or versions.

Yes. You can add additional information to all data sets in Sherlock. This additional information, coming from e.g., your service application, can now also be reused to improve your knowledge graph.

Sherlock offers a central user management for user administration, in which all roles, users and permissions are managed. Users, as well as their roles, groups and rights, can be defined with just a few clicks. Due to the support of SSO and the simple connection to an Active Directory, a manual configuration is not necessary.

See more in the video

Sherlock’s features allow you to automate your data processes to save time and costs. In addition to the automated interfaces, data can also be imported manually in Sherlock for testing and demo purposes. Excel sheets in XML and CSV format can be selected via a simple wizard. Optionally, links or media content can also be transferred. In this way, you can easily check the data imported into the cloud and merge knowledge.

See more in the video

For information to be usable, you need an intelligent link. The rules and regulations in Sherlock ensure that newly imported data finds the right place in the information platform. Create a rule in which, for example, you link customers to products. Specify the customer as the first type and the products as the second type. Active rules and regulations automatically create all links in Sherlock. Enable the newly created rules. You can now see the new links in the dashboard, in the relation graph and in the information model.

See more in the video

All information from your Sherlock platform is provided in applications, the configuration of the applications is done via information collections called The Sherlock Collector. Provide targeted information to your users, your target audience, or your application. In the collections, specify which data objects and which links are included in the information collection. In the information collection, select which metadata is to be applied to each object type. With the click “Create Collection” the information collection is generated and appears shortly afterwards in your overview. Here you can search, and display all contained objects with all metadata, links, and attachments.

See more in the video

First, they create a new function. Then add them to a field. You can create custom fields in Sherlock. For example, the conversion of currencies, units of measurement or postal code areas. Once you insert a new function, Sherlock automatically calculates new data, and you can use it in evaluations.

See more in the video

Via meta-data, dashboards can be created in Sherlock for a better overview. When creating a new dashboard, it is possible to specify charts, information to be displayed and the layout, as well as legends and labels. Each user can have any number of dashboards, each with any number of diagrams, which are editable throughout.

See more in the video

Contact us

Carl Pfeffer & Rainer Börsig
+49 (0)7738/ 9294 – 0